Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Task 4

Why did you choose this domain?
I chose domain 2: Classroom Environment. I have recently begun behavioral interventions with a group of 5th graders. Creating a successful and appropriate classroom environment is essential for the program I am implementing. “Why Try” is a behavior modification program designed to change attitudes, encourage self respect, and motivate the children.

Which component from this domain are you most comfortable with?
I am most comfortable with component 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport. Throughout my teaching career and even schooling, I have been told that I have a positive, respectful rapport with my students. It seems that this component has been my strongest area, one in which takes little work; for this I am extremely grateful! J There are however, parts of the domain that are weaknesses of mine; I will discuss these later in the blog.

Which component from this domain do you believe most strongly ties to instruction?
It is difficult to say which component ties most strongly into instruction; without any one of the components in this domain, a teacher would have chaos in his/her classroom. For the sake of our discussion, I would say component 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning. The culture we establish directly relates to how we present instruction in the future. If our culture is diverse, so will be our instruction…at least in my opinion.

Which component from this domain would you like to zero in on in your own instruction?
I would really like to focus on component 2d: Managing Student Behavior. As all 13 of my 5th graders are in my room for behavior interventions, I think this component is a good place to start. J Attitudes, personalities, and self esteems are not changed in a day, but 2d gives me a good push towards the right direction.

I also would like you to think about how this domain looks in your classroom.
In my classroom I have an extremely laid back, flexible environment. Everyone knows their expectations and why they are in my room. Since my students are pulled out of their regular classroom to receive interventions, it is important that my room is a positive place to be. Students will not want to come and work for me, if they know they’re coming to a negative environment. My room is set up for small groups. Here, my instructional assistant and I give interventions on a 1 to 6 ratio. I believe that I have established a respectful rapport with my students, as we continually discuss personal issues and obstacles. They feel open to share their concerns with being labeled “problematic, lazy, or dumb”.

Also come up with at least one question that you can post for others in your group to respond to.
My school is looking into purchasing a school-wide behavior program. I think we are leaning towards CHAMPS. Does anyone have recommendations or success stories from a particular program?


  1. A few of your other classmates have written about classroom management and behavior and I think that is such an important part of instruction. That said- I like your perspective from a teacher who pulls kids out of their regular classroom. My guess is that you have to be consistent with the classroom teacher but yet need to have your own system seeing that the students do ned to feel safe and secure with you. I am eager to hear what others can share about their school wide program. I have heard of CHAMPS but don't know it.

  2. Yes, I do have to be somewhat consistent with the homeroom teachers. However, with some teachers pulling stars, some flipping cards, others using dots, and the older grades taking recess minutes, it is difficult to keep track of it all. : (
