Monday, January 18, 2010

First Blog

Hey everyone! This class is really challenging my technology abilities, but I'm enjoying learning new skills. : ) As you probably know from my voice recording, I am a Title I teacher at North Calloway Elementary. This is my 3rd year teaching, and I love the team I get to work with everyday. I recently bought a house in Mayfield, and live there with my crazy dog, Nemo. I will finish my master's this summer, and will then (hopefully) celebrate by going to Austria and learning about environmental issues. Anything else, just ask! : )


  1. Wow- how interesting. Austria- very cool any certain reason why there? I am not even sure where North Calloway is? Is it far? I am eager to hear about your work as a Title One teacher I imagine you wear lots of hats but it sounds like the collaboration is going well for you. I am eager to hear about your work.

  2. My school district is sending 1 employee abroad to learn about environmental issues in Austria. I was selected as an alternate, but was told I'll probably get to go too! : ) I do wear many, many hats. Working with everyone in a building isn't easy, but I love it!

  3. Congrats on being so close to finishing your Masters. Yes you should celebrate in Austria! I look forward to talking with you. I teach Kindergarten at a Title I school in Shelby Co. I have a friend who teaches in the Ft. Thomas area not sure what school or how close that is to you. Hope to talk with you soon!

  4. So cool to get picked to go to Austria- I have been to Salsburg (sp??)- it was great.
